Friday, April 11, 2008


Syazwan is both excited and worried for the coming interview. Excited because he realizes that he stands a very good chance of securing a place in UiTM for the degree in Architecture and worried because this will be his first interview. Adding to his fear is the dress code stipulated in the letter calling for the interview.

He has to wear long-sleeved dress, a slack (not jeans which he is more used to), black leather shoes and worst of all, a tie!

I could not wait to see him all dressed-up.

Besides the dress code, he is also required to bring a pen, a 2B pencil and an eraser....from friends who had gone through similar interview he knew that he is supposed to draw straight lines freehand, that is without using a ruler! That makes him practise straight away, just to perfect his skill.

The interview will be in UiTM Dungun this coming Sunday 13 April.

For now, he has momentarily stopped playing rugby with Salvo Rugby club. He will cntinue his rugby after the interview, but this time it will be with Pahang SUKMA team. His first outing will be for the Pre-SUKMA rugby matches to be held in Terengganu from 17-19 April.

We will pray to Allah that our son will get a place in the Architecture course and played well for Pahang SUKMA rugby team.


azahar said...

The consultation with his rugby playing architect friend the day before paid off handsomely.

Syazwan came out of the interview room beaming and full of confidence.

Why? He could answer all the questions asked and in fluent continuous English at that!

They were impressed with his knowledge on architecture.

As expected, Syazwan was asked about Hijaz Kasturi, the famous architect and his reknown building, the YTM tower.

"What did the building symbolizes?" they asked.

"Pucuk rebung" came the answer.

"Are you sure?"

"Yes, I am sure"

"From where you get all these information?"

"From an architect lecture."

"An architect lecturer, your friend?"


Withe the interview and architecture drawing well done, I fervently hope that Syazwan will be accepted by UiTM as a degree architect student.

RoyalTLady said...

CONGRATULATIONS you made it Syazwan. Alhamdulillah syukur, your dad is so very proud of you, am sure and he is one kind of a dad that many children would love to unlike what mine has.

I may not have met your whole family but I have been reading what your dad wrote in his blog as much as he read in mine. Your dad has done it so well with words as Lat did with pictures. Every little details were so well scripted that the readers may just have to go to the next line, the next and the next to finish off the "disection of the chicken" ...

All The Best shall have more sleepless nights,once the session begins I could assure you tha . But that's the whole thing about this course, projects,date lines, less sleep, mock ups and ALL. Am not trying to scare you, I know you could do IT.

Well Doc, well done to you and your wife too.