Wednesday, April 6, 2011


When I first thought of joining the university, all I wanted to do was just giving lectures to students. That's it, just lectures and nothing else.
No more administrative works for me.
But that, like so many things in life, remained as a wish.
I don't blame anybody for this, just like my father rightfully said:"It is what you want..your choice".
With just two full-time lecturers in the entire department at the moment, what do you expect? I really don't mind having 3 solid subjects to lecture on, provided there is help around and adequate facilities.
Two of my tutors, who had helped a lot in laboratory works, have now gone to Glasgow for their PhD. They will not be back till they have finished their study and that will be in 4-5 years time.
Commuting from my house to City and KUSZA campuses can be outright uncomfortable, especially knowing well that there will not be a parking space waiting for me when I come back.
Well, I am just voicing my feelings, that is all. I am thankful to Allah for giving me this job. But being a mere mortal, I too can get tired and fed up with all the inadequacies and mind you, I am no more a robust young man like I used to be those days.
And this irritating, hacking and non-productive cough lingers on. The cough worsens at night time. I just could not sleep as easily as before any more. Now I realize that there goes one more of the numerous blessings from Allah...falling to sleep every where as long as I want to.
I pray to Allah that I still have the energy and zest to provide for the next 8 years!


Wan Sharif said...

I am also wishing for another 8 years.. ha ha..

azahar said...

after 65...I will rest my to laze around and do things for the hereafter world...from the looks of things, my father and grandfather, I may live up to 80..he he

azahar said...

after 65...I will rest my to laze around and do things for the hereafter world...from the looks of things, my father and grandfather, I may live up to 80..he he

Wan Sharif said...

My father, granpa, grandma.. all exceed 80..
My father ~95.. He passed away on 11.1.2010

Iris said...

Dato' after 65 years, you got to take your time and relax. This is what my dad did. Go travel the world.My dad passed away at 76.And am glad that he travelled alot and seen many countries.

azahar said...

Iris, Thanks for the advice. I think I will do just that at 65!

Anonymous said...

Stay strong dato'. May Allay bless all your good deeds.

azahar said...

Thanks all of you for the good words