Friday, July 25, 2008

Man is created to guard the earth's equilibrium...

In his quest to fulfill his endless needs and wants, man always try to bend nature in whatever he does.

Hills and even mountains are sloped, cut and even levelled just to get raw materials like granite, earth, etc

Swamps are mercilessly filled in to make sites for their housing estates and commercial centres.

Forests are needlessly shaved and trees felled just for the greed of costly timber for making houses, furnitures, etc

Wild animals are hunted down, trapped and sold to the highest bidder to be eaten, reared as personal pets and also for the many zoos worldwide. Many animal species have perished becaus of this unsatiable lust.

Little that they know hills and mountains are created by Allah as anchor holding the earth together; forests as oxygen supplier greatest reservoir of water; swamps are the natural air-conditioner...but then after destroying all these they start complaining about global warming, floods, drought etc etc

When they start killing tigers, wild pig population shoots up - crops are then destroyed by these pigs. When they destroy too many wild pigs, tigers will not have enough pigs to hunt, so instead they start hunting human...

When they start felling trees and clearing jungles, monkeys are they then invade human dwellings, causing nuisance and even spread disease to human...the latest is malaria which is caused by Plasmodium knowlesi which is spread by mosquito from monkey to man...

When they start felling and burning trees, fruit bats lack natural fruit trees to find food and so they migrate to fruit orchards near pig farms..thus spreading Nipah virus to pig farmers and handlers...> 100 people died due to Nipah virus...

Many viral diseases, like HIV, Nipah, Hemorrhagic fever are all caused by man disturbing mother nature...

So, please take care of this earth...stop plundering them beyond repair...the earth is an amanah for us to keep for our great great grandchildren....we owe it to them...

1 comment:

Martin Lee said...

I agree with what you said Dato'