Monday, September 28, 2009


First there was the ferry. Buses, cars, trucks, bicycles, motorcycles and people were brought across the Kemaman river. It took sometime for them to get across as they had to wait for the ferry to unload its passengers and then make the return trip.

I don't think many of the younger generations could imagine how many ferries we had to get in to reach Kuala Terengganu from Chukai. First the ferry at Chukai river in town, then at Bukit Kuang, Kertih, Paka, Dungun....

Then in 1964 (if my memory is right) the Bukit Kuang Bridge was built. What a fine bridge it was, for that time there was a very light traffic using it.

I remember I did a lot of fishing on the bridge. Garupas were really biting those days. There were lots of fishes back then. When gerpuh season came there would be hordes of fishing enthusiasts on the bridge trying their luck. Rarely they would go home empty handed.

During high tide, species like sole, mackerel, red snapper, rays and even the shark swam in. One time I even caught myself a giant ray using a bait of entire squid!

But now, after more than 40 years since it first carried its passengers across the river, it is an old bridge by any standard. The heavy traffic causes massive traffic jam at peak hours.

Meaning no disrespect to it, the ole Bukit Kuang bridge has just got to be upgraded...a new bridge has to be built to take off half of the load it had to carry now.

Bukit Kuang folks have got to be prepared for their land to be acquired for the construction of the bridge and the connecting road. Houses have got to give way for the new bridge.

May be the original Kampung Bukit Kuang, the village where I grew up, will soon be no more. The kampung where my late grandfather, Ibrahim Long, Pok Mang and Syed Noh (the pioneers), they all agreed to come home and stay for the night every night. They did so to make sure that the ladies and the children were safe. Bukit Kuang then was unlike the present kampung.

Now, only the children, grandchildren and great grandchildren of the three pioneers live in the village. My mother was the sole surviving child of Ibrahim Long. Pok Mang is survived by a few daughters & sons and many grandchildren....


Martin Lee said...

Rumours were about some in-party fighting and also who should be the MB to the liking of Sultan etc. that might have delayed the expansion of the bridge.

Maybe only one lane needs to be added onto the bridge. Utilizing the space of the servicing road to the Jetty Training Center for the expansion to the left, then less houses could be affected.

Building a fly-over for commuters to the Perwaja and Marine Police base direction might help to ease the traffic a lot.

Martin Lee said...

I also read your complaint in the "Letter to editor" column published in the New Strait Time today.

Coincidently one could also read how Hishamudin came to moderate the disputes between the 2 factions. From the photos, everyone except Hishamudin "muka masam saja"

azahar said...

Wow!I'm surprised that you know so much about Kemaman and Terengganu affair. As if you've lived in Terengganu for long...

Thank you for letting me know that my letter has come out in NST

azahar said...


I have just read my letter in yesterday's NST. I'm surprised that you know that it was me who wrote that letter.

Actually I am a frequent writer to NST, even since my school days.

Martin Lee said...

I am a faithful follower of your blog and I know your sirdirahaza blog name by hard!

If you set a test on what you had written in your blog, I might get 80-90 marks!

azahar said...

I appreciate it very least I know that someone out there is following my blog. Thank you, go on reading what I have scribbled.

oneM said...

Just to share with others, road condition from dungun to kemaman untill border (chendor) is very bad. My friend told this everning on his journey fom Kertyeh to Kuantan this morning during heavy rain.. masuk je sempadan chendor jalan pun berlubang-lubang jugak but she really impressed on theway back at 0600 pm all lubang-lubang been covered..from kuantan untill Chendor..Pahang goverment very efficient..tabik on wellfare issue..Cekap sunggup kerajaan pahang. Ning jalan kemaman paka lubang penuh, ada dan tayar pecah, rim belok, macam-mcm telah berlaku. mana roadcare, mana kuasapolitik..tolanglah buat arahan sikit... malu negeri dan daerah kita.."alasan hujan tak buleh buat"...kalaupun banyaklah signboard dan bubuh warninglight ..nyanya.. yang bermotosikal yang bekereta tak terkecuali .nasib baikxdoh lagi nyawa melayan.. Ning satu lagi..atas jambatan bukit kuang macam parit tali-air, macam tempat takong air...tar tu lokoh dah...bitumen cap apa kontraktor buat tu... joloklah sikit lubang tepi jambatan tu barulah air doh bertakong..takang kita nak ajar...ning jem lepih pada karak highway lagi...dulu kalu KL hujan lebat memang jem..ning kemaman pun jem jugak ...tulah attitude orang kita...takan nak tunggu menteri kerja raya bersuara baru nak proaktif jangan reaktif.....jambatan tu umpama perangkap maut... kiri-kanan air sungai yang mengalir...

jacobanto said...

It is really unfortunate about the delay in building an additional bridge, a minimum of 1000 passers who wait for about 15 minutes a day one way is a massive man hour waste, heard that it would take another 3 years to complete this project, is gona be another 15 min 1000 person x 900 days... main looser is the nation!

jacobanto said...

How about connecting Kuala Kemaman and Marina with another bridge, this could avoid waste of time in about 15 traffic lights, further it could reduce heavy traffic in Chukai town, this bridge could act as a bye pass for Chukai along the coastal belt