Thursday, April 2, 2009


Suddenly I remember Dusty Fogg, Mark Counter, Yzebel Kid and Waco - members of the Floating Outfit.

They are heroes of the Western era created by prolific author J.T Edson.

It was in Seremban, that public library and second hand book store, that I was first introduced to Western novels.

It sort of became a part of me then. Remember the way we carried our hands - close to the imaginary guns ready for a .42 second draw, just like Clint Eastwood in the Good, the Bad and the Ugly.

Dusty Fogg was portrayed as a tough no-nonsense respected leader of the gang - the floating outfit. Though small in built, he possessed a strenght close to that of his giant friend, Mark Counter and a lightning draw, faster than any other western hombre, some said even faster and more accurate then Billy the Kid himself.

Mark Counter was a hulking hombre whose drawing capability is very close to Dusty. Once he wrestled a full grown grizzly bear which Dusty had mistakenly shot and missed.

Yzebel Kid or just the Kid to his friends, was a half-bred and was always in all-black leather uniform. He was extremely good with his knife and short-gun.

Very little was known about Waco. He was a very loyal and good friend to all members of the Floating outfit.

Though it has been many many years since I last read Western novels, there was this one episode I think worth making a movie. It was an episode where a group of crooks tried to swindle a piece of land owned by an old lady.

The lady was in fact the adopted mother of Mark Counter (if I am not mistaken). Realizing that she was no match for the marauding land-grabbers, she immediatel telegraphed Mark.

Mark was alone then. He was on a mission somewhere. He immediately contacted Dusty Fogg. Dusty then telegraphed all his top-gun friends to rescue the old lady.

In the nick of time when the crooks were on the verge of burning down the old lady's house, there they were - Dusty Foff, Mark Counter, Billy the Kid, Yzabel Kid, Waco and many more - all ready to shoot.

These words were heard coming frrom the gang of land robbers:

"Look at that! Those are the fastest gun we are dealing with. I'm not waiting...."

They were all dead before they could even start to ride off.

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