Wednesday, June 9, 2010


"Dr. Azahar, this is Mat Nor..."
"Mat Nor? Which Mat Nor?"
"Mat NOr...the one who prepared food for you and Kluang."

Yes, now I know the surprise caller. He is non-other than Mat Nor from my bachelor days in Kluang.

In fact his wife is my distant relative from Serkam, Melaka.

Those days I stayed in Johari Jemain's house in Kluang. He was the Kluang Agriculture Officer then and I was in Institut Veterinar Kluang.

Mat Nor, his wife and children, ah we were so very close then. Regretfully we have not met for a very long time.

They came all the way, by bus from Kluanf to my wedding in Kemaman. They were real friends indeed!

We are going to meet today, this evening. They are on the way from Kemaman now.

1 comment:

Joe jemain said...

Salam Azhar. maybe its coincidence, but i was showing to my kids this sat morn my presence in the virtual world, & behold i saw my name in this blog.

Congrats if u had married off yr kid. So did i, last sat 3rd july in Muar.

so good luck in yr new career which i'm sure wld not b as a mad house as working in state dept.

anyway, u have md nor's no?

joe 019 6550776