Wednesday, December 16, 2009


Yesterday I received a call from Ismail aka Mak Minah, a long-lost friend from SDAR.

He was in De Rhu Resort for a three-day seminar.

After visiting FIDAF for that pour-the-milk-into-the-drain drama and ECER's Runchang sheep farm, I drove straight to the hotel.

It was strange that it was there too a couple of years back that I re-met another fellow budak SDAR, Zain Rais.

Ismail was almost the same save for his balding head and the belly. Hamzah aka Mejoh Pak Badol was there too. Ismail is the headmaster whereas Mejoh was a teacher.

Mejoh failed his LCE, but through grit and determinat budak SDAR is famous for, he managed to climb the ladder and got himself into a teacher's training college and the rest was history.

We then drove to a restaurant nearby for a late afternoon tea of roti canai and hot nescafe.

We were just like other budak SDAR when we meet. Talking in budak SDAR fashion and calling each other nicknames that we used when we were in SDAR.

Mejoh was a bit excessive in this matter. He reminded me of stories of how I evaded myself from being bullied by seniors. Stories that I could not recall, but to him they were still crystal clear.

Ismail was a wee bit reserved, gentlemanly like.

Mejoh too was planning to take the 56-year old retirement next year.

At 7.00 we departed and I drove back to our Villa Syakirin.

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