Monday, November 30, 2009


It has been thirteen years since that very nostalgic and much-talked-about pre-circumcision ceremony that I did when I was the officer-in-charge of Pusat latihan Ternakan Sungai Siput.

They still talk about that event.

Today finally my staffs in DVS Pahang finally did it. Nor Aini said that they did it as an event to remember before I retire.

For me, it was a very meaningful day where 19 boys mostly sons of my staffs and their immediate realtives in complete Baju Melayu were paraded from the old office building to the Sri Makmur Hall. With the boys were proud parents whose sons would soon be joining adulthood. They all carried with them bunga telur (flowered eggs and tumeric glutinous rice) and pulut kuning.

In the hall they were annointed with rose water and floral strips led by me and folowed by parents.

The boys did not look scared at all. They just enjoyed the even very much.

The visitors were later given a flowered egg each and I got 19 of them to bring home.

Then came the event that they all had been waiting - playing in the fire brigade rain! I officially commenced the spraying!

Nine of them will be circumcised in two days time by HTAA staffs in the hall while the rest will do so in their respective hometowns.


Mark Lyndon said...

Is it possible for boys to say they don't want to go through this? Personally, I'd rather have one of my ears cut off than be circumcised.

Hugh7 said...

Only one?

azahar said...

Why? Are you scared? There is nothing to it really. I'd rather have it cut off rather than my ears anytime!

It is for cleanliness sake. I know, you'll say you can still get it cleaned with it still intact...but it needs some effort..but with it gone, there will be no problem at all... ha ha

Martin Lee said...

The Jews and Muslims practise circumcision and this is being carried out for thousand of years. In the Book of Genesis God had commanded Abraham himself, his household and slaves to be crcumcised as an everlasting covenant in flesh. There was a lot of argument in the ancient time about uncricumcised persons, and they were generally regarded as pagans or Gentiles, that did not belong to the "chosen people" of God.

Mark Lyndon said...

I'm not frightened, and I'd have it done if it really needed to be done. Why would I cut off the most sensitive parts of my penis if I didn't have to though?

It takes almost no effort to keep it clean. It takes me a lot longer to brush my teeth for instance, but I don't have them removed.

It's harder for women to keep their genitals clean than men, but I doubt you'd suggest that they undergo surgery to make it easier.

KOTFrank said...

Who's idea is this anyway? It is a sure bet whoever thought of this thinks it is a good idea. Especially after being circumcised there's no going back and saying it was a bad idea. I can not imagine a child thinking he wants half of his penis cut off. (75% considering Sorrells et al. study Fine-touch pressure thresholds in the adult penis) The foreskin is ideally placed to both give and receive sexual stimulation, and it would be extraordinary if it did not. How do you feel thinking about a stranger grabbing hold of a youngster's penis and then cutting most of it off?

azahar said...

Mark and KOTFrank,

I don't want to get into further debate on the pros and cons of circumcision here.

It is up to us to choose whether to do or not to do. For us and many others we have been doing it and will continue to do so with our sons, grandsons and great great grandsons.

azahar said...

12 boys aged 9-12 have just and still are undergoing circumcision in Darul Makmur hall...

Sinar Harian journalist was there to take pictures of them in sarong with me...

Martin Lee said...

Haha, my friend told me the real excruciating pain only comes when the sarong rubs against the newly cut portion of the skin!


azahar said...

..and when the thing stands up in the morning..ha've to use tempurung kelapa and give your knee a hard knock to bring it down again!